Mindful Flow

Massage Therapy Applications

for people of all ages and stages

Throughout Life

The Touch Research Institute, University of Miami, has completed many research studies on massage therapy. Their research has found evidence that massage has significant benefit for babies, children, teens, adults, and elderly persons. Massage therapy has been shown to enhance growth in premature babies and calm aggressive behavior in youth. Elderly persons have responded to massage with decreased agitated behaviour and an increased sense of well being.

On the Job

Corporations and other institutions are discovering that massage therapy programs for employees pay off, offering Corporate Wellness Days to their employees. Job stress and repetitive strain have been identified as serious health care issues that relate to decreased productivity, decreased job satisfaction, increased work related injury, errors and absenteeism. Research reported in the Financial Times 1, and in Massage Therapy: The Evidence for Practice 2 show that massage is a good tool for reducing work stress.

Stress, Depression, and Immunity

Massage therapy studies have shown positive results in boosting the body's own natural cellular immune response, decreasing pain by pumping up the body's levels of endorphins and decreasing the blood levels of cortisol which is a hormone related to stress. These beneficial results are proving helpful for people with critical illnesses like cancer and HIV infection and for those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.


Athletes, coaches, and professional trainers use massage. Massage therapy is used at sporting events to help athletes performance and to help prevent injury. Massage may improve muscle recovery and decrease muscle soreness after exertion. Athletes also benefit from the therapy's positive effects on heart rate and blood pressure, and the general relaxation response that reduces anxiety and improves mood.3

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Receiving Massage Therapy from a Registered Massage Therapist is safe and can be beneficial during pregnancy. Massage can help to alleviate back, neck, and shoulder pain associated with changes in the body during pregnancy. The general benefits of increased circulation and enhanced well-being are valuable therapeutic effects. Specially trained massage therapists can even participate during childbirth to help decrease pain and anxiety.

1 - Financial Times (1992)
2 - Rich, G. (Ed.). (2002). Massage Therapy: The Evidence for Practice. Toronto,ON
3 - Sports Medicine, (2005);35(3):235-56


"The Law of Attraction: focus on that which makes you feel good and you shall attract that which makes you feel good." - Abraham Hicks